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ARTICLE I - Name and Location
  Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be CITGO Alumni Group.
  Section 2 - The location of this organization shall be Tulsa, Oklahoma.
ARTICLE II - Purpose
  The purpose of this organization shall be to unite all CITGO Alumni for purposes of friendship, CITGO management updates, educational development, aid in service to others and provide active involvement in the community as representatives of CITGO in coordination with CITGO Petroleum Corporation.
ARTICLE III - Form of Organization
  The form of the organization shall be voluntary and non-profit. It shall be non-partisan and non-sectarian. No part of the annual dues or other designated income shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, directors, officers, or other private persons except to pay for expenses incurred for furtherance of the purposes set forth in ARTICLE II.
ARTICLE IV - Membership
  Membership in this organization shall consist of CITGO Alumni, Cities Service Retirees or any former employees that a vote of the Board of Directors would allow. In addition any spouse of a deceased Alumni may become a member. There will be no limits of the number of total membership.
  Membership Dues amount shall be established by a vote of the membership. Annual membership dues for the current year are due and payable by January 31st that year. A member in good standing is one whose dues are current. Dues are considered delinquent after June 1st.
ARTICLE V - Board of Directors
  Section 1 - Number, Term, Election, and Vacancies.
  The Board of Directors shall consist of a maximum of eleven (11) members:
  •   President
  •   Vice President
  •   Secretary
  •   Treasurer
  •   Communications
  •   Newsletter
  •   Event Coordinator
  •   Community Relations and Activities
  •   Webmaster
  •   Membership
    • - A number of At Large Board Members
  Each Board member shall serve a one (1) year term. The term of office shall begin at the end of the Spring meeting.
  The Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee. The nominating committee shall prepare and distribute a slate of candidates to be voted on by the members at the Spring meeting.
  The Board of Directors shall be elected at the Spring meeting and shall be members in good standing and can be volunteers or nominated by the membership in good standing provided that the individual nominated has consented to serve.
  Any elected office may be held by more than one (1) Member.
  Any Board vacancy can be filled by a person appointed by the Board. Such appointment may last until the next election.
  Section 2 - Duties and Powers
  The Board of Directors shall oversee the objectives of the organization.
  The Board of Directors shall adopt such policies and procedures necessary for the operation of the organization as may be consistent with these By-Laws and that are designed to carry out the objectives of this organization.
  Section 3 - Meetings
  A quorum shall be a simple majority of Board Members.
  A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President.
  Regular meetings of the CITGO Alumni membership shall be held as established by the Board of Directors and shall be held at least once a year.
Article VI - Amendments
  Bylaws may be adopted, amended or suspended by a majority vote of the members in good standing present.
  Any proposed change to the Bylaws must be presented either at a regularly scheduled meeting of the membership, by a regular mail written notice or electronic mail. Changes will be voted by the membership.
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